This is one of the books that I've given up after a few pages. I thought I know everything it has and I didn't consider to go on just to rehash. The following are quotations from this not-so-fruitful experience.

A priorisynthetic judgments are possible in general and therefore in transcendental aesthetics, because time and space are not a property of things but rather a property of the subject. (p. 6)

Space does not come from an experience, but is the inevitable condition of all experience. (p. 7)

Space is not a concept obtained by deduction. We cannot understand it as concrete, because it is not an object. (p. 7)

The intuition of space is the inevitable condition of our a priorisynthetic judgments, (p. 7)

We have demonstrated that Kant’s a priorisynthetic judgments are in fact analytical judgments. (p. 7)

We do philosophy because we must. It is inevitable. Our consciousness asks us questions and we must try to resolve them. (p. 7)

Kant demonstrates that only the co-relativity of subject and object can form a reality. (p. 9)

Consciousness is not the brain, nor the body, because I am conscious of my brain, but the brain cannot be conscious. (p. 10)

Kant wonders whether pure reason can discover the object in itself, objectively, independently of our ways of perceiving it. (p. 14)

Our reason must be limited to the phenomenological world. (p. 14)

[Okunandan Kalan]